2025 Golf and Shoot Saturday July 26th - See Special Events tab for details, and to
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A meeting of twenty men interested in a Sporting Club in Springville was called in July 1934. By September 1934 the Club had sixty members. By-Laws were drafted, officers were elected and the title of the club was to be “The Springville Field and Stream Club, Inc.”
Members were speaking of some means to keep the band of Sportsmen together and in March 1935 it was decided to buy a thirty-two acre plot of land one mile from Springville located at 13915 White Street. This making an ideal spot for a club house over-looking Cattaraugus Creek and beautiful Zoar Valley. The foundation was laid in August 1938 with logs and other material being accumulated from the property during the winter months. In May 1939 work began on a 40’x45’ log cabin. The club house was opened on Labor Day 1940. The Springville Field and Stream Pond on Buffalo Rd. became part of the club in 1949 with the acquisition of the former Springville water property.
Today the cabin and grounds continue to facilitate the uniting of sportsmen/women in the conservation and restoration of wildlife; protecting the right to keep and bear arms; and creating an honest and square-shooting class of sportsman. The cabin and grounds are used for education, club activities, hunting, fishing, shooting, a meeting place for other likeminded organizations, private functions through member rentals, etc.