Candidates for regular membership shall have attained the age of 18 years, be a citizen of the United States, of good moral character, and believe in the principles of good sportsmanship. Junior memberships are available for those under 18 years of age. We do not discriminate against Race, Creed, Gender, or Religion.
Each application for membership must be made in writing and on such form as prescribed by the Board of Directors; it shall be signed by the applicant and bear the endorsement of a member of the club in good standing and presented with payment at the regular meeting (1st Thursday) of the club.
All applicants for membership shall be investigated/interviewed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will obtain such information as may be necessary to determine whether or not the applicant will make a proper member of the club, based upon the Bylaws. A report of the investigation shall be presented to the club at the next regular meeting. If the Board of Directors
reports unfavorably, then presiding officer shall declare the applicant rejected and the fee will be returned.
Probation: Upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, and acceptance of the general membership, applicant is awarded probationary membership. Probationary members do not receive a club key. To progress from probationary membership to a Regular/Junior member requires a minimum of 2 worked events. It will be the responsibility of the probationary member to prove event participation with work vouchers signed and dated by event chairman at the time of the event. With the presentation of 2 signed and dated work vouchers to the club president, probationary member shall be awarded Regular/Junior membership and presented a club key and membership card where applicable.
Click on PDF icon below to open and print membership application to be given at membership meeting.